Saturday, February 8, 2020

February 8, 2020 - 148 - "Heirloom USB Plug"

Interaction with a Passenger While Boarding our flight tonight:

Passenger:  Is there a way to charge my phone?

Me:  Yes.  There's a plug between the seats, just to the left.
(I indicate where it is.)

Passenger:  Great.  Thanks.
(He takes out his charger.  It's just a cord with a USB connector on it.)

Me:  It's like a wall plug, not a USB plug.  Do you have the wall adapter?

Passenger:  No.  Do you have one?

Me:  Yes, I do.  But it's my personal phone charger.  I'll have to get it back or I won't have a phone for my trip tomorrow.

Passenger:  Okay.

(I go retrieve it from my bag and take it up to him.)

Me:  Be careful with this.  It's a family heirloom.

Passenger:  Oh really?

Me:  Yes, absolutely.  It was my great great uh...great grandmother's...USB connection wall plug.

Passenger:  I will take very good care of it.

(And he did.)


"Lies require commitment."

-Veronica Roth


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