Monday, November 25, 2019

November 25, 2019 - 73 - “Money Bags”

Michael:  I just got paid. 

Me:  Woohoo!  You’re my sugar-daddy!  Let’s  go spend it!  (I pucker up and start shimmying over in an attempt to vamp the poor guy out of his paycheck. 😂 ) 

Michael:  Well, it’s already spent on bills.   I’m more like your Splenda-daddy.


 Baaahaaahaaa!  Splenda-daddy. That Michael is funny.


“A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.”

-Yogi Berra


“I’ve been married for 46 years, I live in a nice house, my grass is always cut, I pay my bills, and my cat loves me “ 

-Christopher Walken  

(This quote isn't all that relevant to this post.  I just stumbled onto it and had the most hilarious image of Christopher Walken talking baby-talk to his cat.  I wonder what his cat's name is?)  


1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! It's so nice to see your name pop up on my phone!
    Hi Betty!!
    Thanks for dropping by the blog and thanks for commenting!
    You are still missed in the airline industry!!!


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