Friday, March 27, 2020

March 27, 2020 - 196 - "A Hit of Happy...Then a Barrage of Bad Times and Make Believe"

(Joke Credit goes to my favorite Mike H's:  
Mike Haley told it to Mike Hiett,
...who then told it to me.)


In Memory  -   Photo by Sharon McCutcheon
  My work emails are a mixed bag of misery these days.  

     The first one I saw this morning was a memorial for a fellow flight attendant:  the first team member from our airline to lose his life after testing positive for Covid-19.  

     I did not know him, but his loss feels very close to heart and home.  

     He sounds like a person I would have enjoyed knowing, flying with, and I'm sorry I won't get that opportunity.

     There are messages asking anyone who wants to take time away from flying to take the leaves being offered, or early-out packages. 

     We are getting messages about operating special flights.  We're sending planes to bring home passengers who've been stranded by travel restrictions, mostly in the Caribbean,  and South and Central America.  Some of the flights are U.S. State Department charters.  

     We're told, in multiple messages per day, to continuously monitor our schedules for changes.  Changes are coming so quickly that our scheduling departments don't have time to inform each crew member personally.  All of my trips this month (mostly averaging 4 flights for a 2 day trip) have dropped by at least half.

   Flight attendants are no longer required to provide a beverage service on flights less than four hours, though my crew elected to offer drinks to the few passengers on our flight today.  

      Our employee buses are operating less frequently between employee parking lots and the terminal and, as of today, we are allowed to park at the terminal garages for free.  (Typically these parking garages are packed full with paying passengers, but at this point they are pretty empty.).

      It was a surreal moment this morning to see the DFW airport entrance have Employee Only lanes...and the barrier simply stays up. 

      (We show our employee badges to the attendants at the gates as we leave.)   

     There is so much change and uncertainty at this point that it's getting harder and harder to take it all in.  

     Things that would once have sounded like a nice break:  like delaying our yearly training renewal requirements, light loads on flights, minimal service, and free and convenient up-front parking..., are not enjoyable.  They all feel more like harbingers of doom. 

     Each one comes at such a high price.

   Airports and planes are nearly empty; mostly  strange ghost towns inhabited only by uniformed employees and officials.  

     It's like we're all dressed up for a game of make believe:  we're just 'Playing Security Check Point', 'Playing Airport', 'Playing Airline'...  

    Things are bad, and seem likely to get worse. 

     I don't see an end in sight.    


"I am two people.  One goes through the motions, rolling from one thing to the next; the other is withdrawn, watching a complete stranger."

-Doug Cooper


"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."

-Mahatma Gandhi



  1. You have been in my heart for weeks when I think of you in your office in the clouds. All the ground is shifting, in flux constantly , and what we knew even a few minutes ago we find altered.
    We are in a new situation that has not even yet settled into what it is . I am keeping sane by not clinging to certainty and not framing anything that happens as Fair or Unfair. Rona don't give a Jolly Damn about fairness and those who approach Rona in those terms are having a rougher ride, from what I see.
    I am keeping you , your parents, Michael, his folks, and all you hold dear in my heart for safety and endurance on the road and in the sky ahead of us.
    Sara is an EMT on the van in Eugene for 12 hours a day and running out of PPE. Her crew has been told to spray virucide inside their respirators until they become too wet to reuse. Hans' partner Dave is an organ transplant pharmacist at Seattle Children's hospital and facing the same scarcity issues.
    Of course, neither of them can work from home. Hans is able to wfh and is on a long cleaning spree, his stress relief. He has been mightily struggling with PTSD after he was in the shooting downtown in Seattle on January 22nd. Thank GUS he was not injured but he was in the very middle of the shootouts and it was blocks from his work and on a route he walked several times daily.
    Hans didn't get the stress -cleanng gene from me. I am more of the mindset that if I may die, do I want to spend time now cleaning my house, lol.
    But not lol. Because I don't love housework and right now , I would much prefer to be 6 feet apart than to be 6 feet under.
    I wish I had cat share with you right now. I know Ella would help pacify my concerns.
    You and I know about laughter being plenty good medicine. In that spirit, I bring you this...and much love. xoxo

  2. How funny that you were writing this the other night just as I was thinking I need to text you. We covered some in the texts, but for the stuff I missed:

    Wow! Sara is working as an EMT! I have been thinking sooooo much about everyone in health care. No rest for them. Their regular job on worrying about lack of supplies, risk to their own health, and managing getting their own groceries and worrying about their families and friends.

    I'm sending all sorts of healthy positive vibes to her!

    And I hope Hans partner can continue to do his job in these crazy times...and enjoys his spotless home!

    I didn't know what Hans had been through. Crazy times all around!

    I'm not a stress-cleaner either, but am glad Hans can channel his stress into this positive pursuit. I'm guessing (hoping) you're doing your gorgeous, souldful, art as much or more than ever these days!

    I wish you had a cat right now too. Ella is loving all this staying at home! It's a very good thing to look after each other in challenging times. I bet there's a kitty out there who'd dearly love to come live at a Pink Palace with a Creative Queen. (Maybe there's a drive-through pick up at a nearby shelter?)

    That video was hilarious...and another synchronous thing soul sister. I couldn't click on the link from my phone and just copied and put it in on my computer. A fellow flight attendant showed it to me on my last trip, and I used it in a post a few days ago.

    It's soooo true. Loved it! Lots of inside humor in there - like passengers inability to open bathroom doors/turn on bathroom the disgusting reality of eating your lunch...right by the bathroom. BAaahaahahaha... Michael and I both laughed at the calling home scene. She had that traumatized/exhausted look. We don't have the jugs of booze...but there may be cocktails involved from time to time.

    Thanks for sharing the laughs, and concern, and your life, sweet friend. Virtual hugs and health for you and yours!!


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