Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 15, 2019 - 93 - "God Winks"

     Years ago I read the book "The Artist's Way" and began to notice the number of coincidences in my life.  The book is basically saying that we can take scripture very literally:  "Ask and you shall receive.  Knock and it shall be opened to you..."

     Julia Cameron thinks we're all afraid to find out how true this is.  Because if we ask, and are given what we ask for...the ball's back in our court.  It implies responsibility.  It's the "Watch out what you pray for, you might get it" concept.

     Since reading this idea I have noticed that instances of synchronicity, coincidence, serendipity, God winks...whatever you want to call them, tend to increase under two sets of circumstances:

1-I've prayed for specific guidance., and 
2-I'm working hard at something I feel I'm meant to do.

     I haven't asked for anything specific lately, but since getting back to writing regularly my episodes of synchronicity have gone up exponentially.

     My lucky numbers are 013 and I see them all day every day in the funniest, most clever ways.  The time of day, on my catering papers, I got assigned seat 13D on my deadhead flight this morning, billboards on the highway, I got a notification yesterday that flashed on my phone and said:  "13 is your lucky number!!!"

     But the other day one of these funny little things really cracked me up by it's sheer unlikely randomness:

     I'd ordered groceries and was putting them away.  There was a bag of produce of some kind.  For whatever reason the shopper had double-bagged it, then wrapped the double bags around the produce so I couldn't make out what it was.  I was spraining my brain trying to remember what I'd ordered that I hadn't opened yet.

At the exact moment I thought:  

"Ah ha!  It's the  
red bell peppers!" 

The radio played the line from the song "Dirty World" by The Traveling Wilburys:

"He loves your 
red bell peppers"


     Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....


   I brain said 'red bell peppers' at the exact same nano-second that Roy Orbison said 'red bell peppers'! 


     How hilarious is that?  What are the chances?  What's it mean?

     Well, I don't really know for sure, but I always take these things as little signposts saying:   Hey; You're headed in the right direction.  Keep up the good work.

    I just love these small tips of the hat from The Big Guy.


"When you stop existing and you start truly living, each moment of the day comes alive with the wonder and synchronicity."

-Steve Maraboli 

(Well, now, I'm not quite at this 'skipping through life with rainbows and bluebirds following me everywhere' point...but I definitely see things like this more often than I used to.)


"When a man takes one step toward God, God takes more steps toward that man than there are sands in the worlds of time."

-The Work of the Chariot


"The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf."

-Shakti Gawain



  1. All the time, sistah! May I recommend this older but very wise book by Jean Shinoda Bolen for your reading? xoxoox

  2. I could have called that one, Ms.Stroo. You're definitely doing the true living, doing what you're meant to do, up there in that Northwestern clime.
    I bet the Universe never gets tired of flirting with your creative-self!
    Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting and thanks for making art and thanks for being your inspiring and fabulous self!!

  3. P.S. I started following your groovy blog. Your last blog was on my birthday...a long time ago. Post your beauty-filled work from time to time! (s'il vous plait)

  4. Oh...also...I ordered the book.
    Thanks for the recommendation!


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