Monday, December 16, 2019

December 16, 2019 - 94 - "I Hear You. Uh...what?"

No Humans, Please

     Some people hate automated phone systems.  Personally,  I'd almost always prefer to talk to a computer.  Yes, phone trees can be frustrating.  Yes, voice recognition doesn't always get it right. 

     But at least they've got an excuse.  It's just a bundle of wires and electricity.  It's a miracle that they can help anyone I feel really excited when I can get things done in this way.

     My expectations are so much higher with actual humans. 

Service or Mental Torture?

    I have worked phone sales and service jobs, the longest-lasting one was in airline reservations.   So now I tend to compare customer service reps to myself back then.  

     I'm not saying I was a great agent.  It's very true that it was my least favorite job of all time.  There were plenty of agents better at it than me, but the customers who got me on the line did have a couple of things in their favor:  1) the company I worked for provided me with excellent training, and 2)  I did sincerely try to help people. 

      It seems like a lot  most of the individuals in these jobs have not been given the most rudimentary of training to do their jobs.

Active Listening

   The airlines really pounded the idea of Active Listening into our heads.  They wanted us focusing on what the customer was saying, engaging all the senses, jotting down key points, and showing that we'd heard by repeating what the customer said. 

     In that job our computer screens had a notes section at the top.  We were taught to make use of it.  When the person started talking, we focused on hearing what they said,and noting key information.   

      Not only was it what we were supposed to do, not only was it good customer service, but it also made my job easier.  (Fast call-time was everything in that world.)

Interactions went something like this:

Customer:                                                            I wrote:

I need to book a flight to Milwaukee.                   -MKE (city code for Milwaukee)
I need to leave from DFW on the 20th                 -DFW - 20th
And come back on the 27th                                  -27th
Sometime in the afternoon.                                   -return afternoon
How much will that cost?


Alright, let's see what we can find for you   
and I'll get the price. 
May I ask your name?


My name is Juana Flyyt                                        -Flight, Wanna


Alright, Ms. Flight...I have flights pulled
up on the 20th from DFW to Milwaukee.
Would you prefer the 10 am or the 2 pm?


The afternoon                                                       -2 pm


Okay, leaving on that flight and returning on the,
let's see...4:15 pm, is the afternoon flight on the 27th. 
That would be a round trip fare of $329. 
If this works for you I can hold
it for 24 hours while you think about it, Ms. Flight.
Is that spelled F-L-I-G-H-T?...


So, yeah, we were also taught sales techniques like closers (somewhat annoying), but at least we were efficiently getting them the information they asked for.


Passive (Bordering on Passive-Aggressive) Listening

With this background I expect a similarly efficient experience when I call someone with a request.

But it doesn't always all-too-rarely happens that way. 

I'll try to book a simple hair appointment, for example, and it becomes an exercise in self-restraint:

Me:  Hi.  This is Susan Stewart.   I'd like to make an appointment for a haircut.  I prefer Bob.  He does such a nice job.  Does Bob have an appointment next Tuesday morning?


My flawed expectations:
It seems to me the person answering the phone would have the salon's appointment book handy, and also have a  notepad to jot down information a customer gives them.  

In the above example the notes might look something like this:

Susan Stuart
sees Bob
Next Tues.

But I get something like this instead:

Salon Employee:  Okay...let me get out the book.

(Lonnnng pause....paper rustling.  Conversation about last night's date in the background, more paper rustling....  Because, apparently, it's surprising that someone would be calling a hair salon to get an appointment for a service and the appointment book is kept in a file cabinet at a remote location.)

Salon Employee:  What day would you like to come in?

Me:  Next Tuesday.

Salon Employee:  Did you have any particular stylist in mind?

Me:  Yes, Bob.

Salon Employee:  What time of day would you like?
Morning, please.

(llloooooonnnnggg pause...)

Salon Employee:  Bob won't be here next week.  Bob's at that hair convention.

(Said like I should have known this.)

Me:  Okay...when will Bob be back?

Salon Employee:  The week after that.

Me:  Okay, let's see...

(Flipping to the next week in my calendar)

Okay, can I have an appointment for the next Thursday?  Afternoon, if possible.

Salon Employee:  Okay...What day?

Me:  Uh...Thursday.

Salon Employee:  What time of day?

Me:  Afternoon, if possible.

Salon Employee:  Bob's not in on Thursdays. Jane's in.  Did you want to see Jane?

Me:  I really would prefer an appointment with Bob.  What are his next available times?

Salon Employee:  Which week was that?

Me:  Uh...whenever Bob will be in the salon next. Week after next, I'm guessing...that's the week of the...let's see...the 20th is that Monday.

Salon Employee:  Oh. 

(loooong pause)

Bob's at a hair convention next week.

Me:  Yes.  I get that,  but...after that...?

Salon Employee:  What day?

Me:  Is it possible to just look at Bob's schedule and tell me what his next available appointments are?

Salon Employee:  Yes.

(Dead silence...  That goes on a looooong time.)

Me:  Well..., okay would you please look at that and tell me the next appointments Bob has available?   I'll work around his schedule, if I can.  I can come in any day that week except Wednesday.

Salon Employee:  (Heavy sigh)  Bob's open Wednesday after next. 

Me:  Okay, are there any other days?  Wednesday is the only day I can't make it.

Salon Employee:  I thought you were going to work around Bob's schedule.

Me:  Well, yes...any day but Wednesday.  Is that the only day he's available week after next?

Salon Employee:  No.  He's got appointments on Monday and Tuesday.

Me:  Okay.  Then, what time on Monday?

Salon Employee:  10 am., 11 am, and 3 pm

Me:  Okay, great.  

(Yay.  Now we're getting somewhere.) 

I will take the 11 am appointment for a haircut.

Salon Employee:  Okay...(long pause)  What time was that?

Me: 11 am

Salon Employee:  On what day?

Me: Monday

Salon Employee:  With who?

Me: Bob.

Salon Employee:  And what was your name?

Me: Susan Stewart

Salon Employee:  Have you been here before?

Me: Yes, I'm a regular client of Bob's.

Salon Employee:  And your name is Susan?

Me: Yes.  (Excited she remembered something.)

Salon Employee:  And what service would you like?

Me:  A haircut.

Salon Employee:  Okay, and what's your last name?...


What I want to say by then:

Oh, never mind.  I've pulled all of my hair out and won't be needing Bob's services any longer.


"The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is not training them and keeping them."

-Zig Ziglar


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