Monday, December 23, 2019

December 23, 2019 - 101 - “I Believe in Santa Claus”

     I’ve had a song stuck in my head for a few days now.  I heard it playing in DFW airport the other day.  

     It’s from a Christmas Album by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers circa 1984.  I actually owned it.  (On cassette tape!)  I must have gotten it around 1989.  If memory serves, I bought it at my local gas station for, like $2.99, with a fill-up.

     It struck a chord with me when I first heard it, and I listened to it for a lot of Christmases.  Most of them were Christmases when I was young and single and lost.  Maybe there's some sort of homey comfort in the music.  Maybe I was nostalgic for a sort of Christmas I'd never actually experienced.  Whatever the reason, I nearly wore the thing out I played it so much.  

     But then there came a point where I no longer had a cassette player, and I never  replaced the cassette with a CD.

      In all of these years I haven't thought much of the album or any of the songs on it.   Then that one song played at the airport and got lodged in my brain.  I finally really listened to it on Pandora yesterday morning when I was getting ready to go to work.   

     I was surprised by how much I still really like it.  It's entertaining and touching and nostalgic...and, well, who doesn't love to listen to Dolly's sweet voice?  I think I need to listen to the rest of the album.  

Here are some of my favorite lines: 

"I Believe in Santa Claus"
By Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers

I believe in Santa Clause, I'll tell you why I do

'cause I believe that dreams and plans and wishes can come true
I believe in miracles, I believe in magic too
I believe in Santa Clause and I believe in you

...I believe in lookin' farther up the farther down we get
I believe when someone hurts us we should forgive and forget

I believe in saying what you mean and meaning what you say
I believe a better attitude can make a better way

And I believe that everything in life is what it's meant to be
I believe there is a God somewhere although he's hard to see
I believe I am so therefore I should do all that I can
To be a better piece in the puzzle of God's plan.

I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe there's always hope when all seems lost
And I believe in Santa Claus


Give it a listen and I'm pretty sure you'll believe in Santa too.  (Here's the video on YouTube:   "I Believe in Santa Clause" )


Merry Christmas y'all!


"Santa Claus is anyone who loves another and seeks to make them happy;...who lives his life throughout the entire year in the Christmas spirit."

-Edwin Osgood Grover


This isn't holiday-related...but it's my favorite Dolly Parton quote:  

"I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokesbecause I know I'm not dumb...and I also know that I'm not blonde."

-Dolly Parton


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